Letter to the Community

Dear Neighbor,

Thanks to your on-going support of the Moore Free Library, we now have new public computers and wi-fi hot spots via our new fiber optic connections. We also offer e-Books, e-Audiobooks, and Universal Class Courses through our website, which patrons can download at home. And for those patrons who either want instruction in how to access this material or want to browse the stacks in the old-fashioned way, we have expanded evening hours on Thursdays, till 7 PM.
Our professional librarian Louise Sirois is available to help patrons find what they need, teach patrons how to access on-line materials, and schedule cultural and educational programs. On-going programs include a new art show in the Crowell Gallery each month, always opening with a public gallery celebration; a monthly writers’ group; a book group that meets every six weeks; and a story hour on Saturday mornings.
The Moore Free Library does all this – while simultaneously building and maintaining its collection of books and interlibrary loan services – without any federal, state, county or town funding. We rely entirely on the generous donations of friends like you, who support us with gifts large and small. Please donate today, so we can continue to provide our local community with this wide and growing variety of services that contribute to making Newfane such a special place.
Gifts in any amount are gladly received. Gifts can be in honor of a special someone or significant event, legacy gifts keep the memory of loved one alive for the next generation of curious minds, and cash gifts always go to good use. Checks should be made out to The Moore
Free Library.  Thank you for your generous support.
Bobbe Nemes Ragouzeos    President, Board of Trustees!
Board of Trustees: Heidi Ballantine, Suzanne d’Corsey, Bob McCandless, B. Ragouzeos, Steve Squires

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